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博彩网址大全的学生发展部门是由使命驱动的 to provide you with 博彩网址大全 programs, services and experiences that help you to develop as leaders.

Our goal is to help shape you into a successful graduate who is holistically formed, 批判性反思,对社会和个人负责.

Sarah K. 坎宁安,艾德.D.

Dr. 莎拉·坎宁安

自2021年2月15日起,莎拉·坎宁安, Ed.D.曾担任博彩网址大全副校长 学生发展. 最近,她担任助理副教务长 约翰霍普金斯大学的学生生活策略和政策. 在这个角色中,她是 responsible for managing and leading university-wide initiatives that support student 整个大学的成功,特别是学生的健康和福祉,危机 反应和学生保留.

坎宁安在学生事务领域贡献了超过15年. Before arriving at Johns Hopkins, she worked at the 大学 of Chicago as the executive director for student leadership, involvement and Student Life Centers and assistant 这所大学的学生主任. 在加入芝加哥大学之前,她曾任职于该大学 佛罗里达的乔治梅森大学和滑石大学.

She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Combined Social Studies from Youngstown State 大学, a Master of Science in College Student Personnel Services from Western Illinois 大学, and a Doctorate of Education in Higher Education and Organizational Change from Benedictine 大学. 她的论文研究着眼于学生领袖的生活经历 在公立大学里,他们对学校的董事会进行了投票. She enjoys taking in college sporting events, taking hikes with her rescue dog Bailey, 旅行和剧院.




  • 成功教练是来帮助你应对课堂内外的挑战的. Coaching supports students in implementing strategies that will contribute to their academic 社会情感健康.
  • Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an academic assistance program that uses peer-assisted 研究会话. 科学探究课是定期安排的非正式复习课 学生们比较笔记,讨论阅读材料并开发组织工具.
  • 辅导通常是一对一的. 高素质的同伴导师 are available to guide you through the challenges of many of 博彩网址大全’s foundation-level courses.
  • 大学写作服务致力于提高学生的整体素质 通过一对一的同伴咨询、研讨会和写作静修来写作. Our goal is to improve the writing culture on 博彩网址大全's campus and help you identify yourself 在你的专业领域里,你是一名优秀的作家.



Billikens’ First Chapter is a destination for connecting our scholars with resources 在大学的第一年里,无论是在校内还是校外. 学者们是否在寻找 为了一个安全的空间来讨论他们的转变,如何融入校园,如何 to connect with other students on campus, ways to volunteer in the community, or how 在课堂上取得成功. 通过侵入性和发展性的咨询策略, 一年级导航员支持学生过渡到,通过,和 从博彩网址大全的第一年毕业.



从俱乐部运动到动感单车课程再到深夜另类娱乐,博彩网址大全 provides quality recreational opportunities that aid and encourage a healthy lifestyle, 并为你的整体健康做出贡献. 全面发展学生的目标 include:

  • 团队建设和领导能力
  • 提高幸福感和自信心
  • 塑造个性和社区
  • 减少压力



无障碍和残疾资源中心 (CADR) partners with students, faculty, academic departments and service providers to ensure that students have equal access 以及所有大学项目、服务和体验的机会.

CADR coordinates aids and services to meet the needs of students with disabilities, 为所有博彩网址大全学生创造一个安全和支持的校园社区.



Framed in the  Ignatian hallmark of cura personalis, meaning care for the whole person, the 学生办公室主任 strives to assist students and their families in successfully 浏览博彩网址大全体验. 我们强烈鼓励推广和发展 of a healthy mind, body and spirit to help every student persist and succeed in their 大学生涯. 通过个人支持,我们的目标是确保我们的学生有 the opportunity to grow as empowered global citizens who make contemplative and just 选择与他们的激情和目标一致.

  • 支持有困难和危机的学生
  • 为学生和家庭提供博彩网址大全校园资源的推荐
  • 代表遇到紧急情况的学生发送学术通知
  • 让家长和家庭支持他们的学生
  • 帮助学生反思重大的发展转变和挑战




The Busch学生中心 is a centralized location filling students' needs, including 餐饮,书店,银行需求,学生组织空间等. 



事件服务 is a full-service department responsible for the scheduling and coordination of all 博彩网址大全 campus events or groups co-sponsored by a campus organization.



博彩网址大全's campus housing forms a residential community that creates and promotes service, 社会参与,个人责任和对他人的接受. 学生可以 加博彩网址大全习社区,与有着相似学术、社会和兴趣爱好的人建立联系 service interests, take on leadership roles through RHA or hall council or gain work 有助理或办公室工作经验.



The Billiken Parent and Family Association informs families about events and issues 这可能会影响他们学生的经历. 该协会的目标是促进 communication, engage families in activities that promote the 大学 and create 一个团队的努力,以最好地支持学生在博彩网址大全的成功.



The top priority of our Department of 公共安全 is the safety of 博彩网址大全's students, faculty, staff and visitors, along with the campus' surrounding community. The department offers round-the-clock campus patrolling, emergency response and community 由专职人员和调度员提供协助.



学生发展的共享业务服务中心旨在帮助部门 员工完成他们的财务和业务相关职责.

Shared Services' goals are to improve services and ensure we meet needs specific to 司内各部门.

The department includes the business administration office for student development, Busch学生中心,以及该部门的ITS和网络支持. 这个办公室也 管理着索迪斯餐饮服务,巴恩斯 & Noble书店、百事可乐、Griesedieck自动售货机、 特许/频谱有线电视及其他合约服务.



The 博彩网址大全 学生健康中心 provides medical treatment, outpatient 服务,和各种教育计划的所有全职,兼职,和 研究生.

学生健康 physicians are faculty of the 博彩网址大全 School of Medicine. 



The staff in the 学生参与中心 provide advising, mentoring and support to hundreds of students on campus, from helping students engage with the campus community by followings their interests to giving them the tools to grow into positions of responsibility 和领导能力. 中心还负责管理大学的一站式互动平台, 博彩网址大全 Groups.


  • 近200个学生组织
  • 每周校园活动和活动
  • 超过20个希腊字母组织
  • 学生会协会
  • 学生媒体团体
  • 领导力发展和培训机会



学生责任及社区标准办公室的使命 是帮助学生反思和尊重行为,在他们如何关心 为社区成员,并支持健康的决定和自我保健.  The 红十字会办公室积极支持教育倡议和恢复性司法 优先考虑学习和长期成功. The 学生手册 为学生、教职员工提供具体指导方针的核心是什么 我们的社会标准、价值观和期望.



The experienced counseling professionals at the 大学心理咨询中心  (UCC) 为博彩网址大全的学生提供关怀和咨询. UCC职员 are highly trained clinicians who can assist with a variety of issues, such as adjustment 到大学生活,令人不安的情绪变化和慢性心理状况. The 团队完全通过国际咨询服务认证 (IACS).

The UCC's mission is to promote the psychological health and development of the 博彩网址大全 社区采用全面的方法来实现健康和教育的成功. They 协助学生使用符合文化的循证治疗策略. They also aim to be a visible presence throughout the campus community and build partnerships. UCC services include individual and group counseling, case management, crisis management, 研究生临床培训与健康教育.



In support of 博彩网址大全's Jesuit mission, the 学生发展部 is committed to maintaining an environment of mutual respect and dignity for people 所有的背景和文化. 鼓励和支持繁荣是我们的使命 在我们的员工和学生中有多元化的社区.

We honor the differences in our community, whether they be age, ability, race, religion, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation or socio-economic background, and 准备我们的学生在一个多元文化,多样化的社会中茁壮成长. 我们的努力 grounded in cultivating awareness, inclusion and engagement through intentional experiences, 展示我们追求卓越的活动和项目.