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Billiken Print

Saint Louis University works with PaperCut to bring exciting printing features to students, including our mobile printing app, print credit and other printing services.


Download the PaperCut app to your Windows, Mac, iOS, Android or Chrome device to manage your print queue. 

Windows Device

确保您的设备已连接到slu用户 or plugged into the 博彩网址大全 wired network.

  • 下载并运行 移动打印打印机设置
  • 在“许可协议”界面,单击“下一步”。
  • 选择打印机,然后点击“下一步”
  • When prompted enter your 博彩网址大全 username username and password, then click "Next"
  • Click "Finish."
  • 打印您的文档.
  • To add more printers, run the downloaded Windows Printer Setup again.

Watch a short video about installing the PaperCut Mobility App

设备要求:Microsoft Windows 7或以上

macOS Device

确保您的设备已连接到slu用户 or plugged into the 博彩网址大全 wired network.

  • Navigate to System Preferences and open "Printers and Scanners."
  • 单击打印机列表下的+图标.
  • 弹出“添加”对话框. This dialog displays a list of all of the discovered 网络上的打印机.
  • 选择打印机. 显示“名称、位置和用途”.
  • 检查“使用”设置为“安全AirPrint”.
  • 如果没有显示“安全AirPrint”
    • 关闭“添加”对话框.
    • 断开网络连接.
    • 重新连接网络.
    • Try again. If you still cannot see "Secure AirPrint", contact the IT Helpdesk.
  • Click "Add"
  • 打印您的文档. When prompted enter your 博彩网址大全 Username username and password (same as my博彩网址大全).
  • 对其他所需的打印机重复上述操作.
  • If are not sure how to print from your application, follow 苹果公司提供的说明.

If you enter the wrong authentication details, MacBook devices do not show any warning message; your job will just not print. 如果你的工作没有打印出来,检查“打印” Queue" dialog. If the print job is there and has the message "Held for authentication," click the icon; then re-enter your details. 

If you are using account selection, then additional configuration is required. Contact 向系统管理员查询更多信息.

Watch a short video on installing the PaperCut Mobility App

  • 设备要求:OS Yosemite或以上

确保您的设备已连接到slu用户 or plugged into the 博彩网址大全 wired network.
This method is for a personal Mac desktop or laptop of a student who is also a student 使用剪纸的部门工作人员. 安装过程包括安装 剪纸客户端,然后配置它. 


  • 启动并登录Mac电脑. 确保已连接到网络.
  • Open the Finder.
  • In the Go menu, select "Connect to Server" at smb://fvwpcutp01/pcclient
  • 如果需要,请输入密码信息.
  • 双击client-local-install文件. 这将执行AppleScript程序 这将启动安装和复制过程.
  • Test the application by double-clicking the PCClient application icon in the system's 本地“应用程序”文件夹


  • 从苹果菜单中打开系统偏好设置.
  • Select "Accounts."
  • 选择您的登入帐户.
  • 点击“登录项目”选项卡.
  • Click + then browse and select the PCClient application
  • 通过重新启动计算机进行测试. The client should start automatically after the reboot 并完成登录程序
  • If are not sure how to print from your application, follow 苹果公司提供的说明.

If you enter the wrong authentication details, MacBook devices do not show any warning message; your job will just not print. 如果你的工作没有打印出来,检查“打印” Queue" dialog. If the print job is there and has the message "Held for Authentication," 您需要重新输入您的登录信息.

If you are using account selection, then additional configuration is required. Contact 向系统管理员查询更多信息.

Watch a short video on installing the PaperCut Mobility App

设备要求:OS Yosemite或以上



  • On iPhones and iPads, Mobility Print just works like AirPrint. 打印您的内容 as you would from a desktop device to print from your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
  • 出现提示时,输入您的博彩网址大全用户名和密码.

Watch a short video on installing the PaperCut Mobility App

设备要求:iOS 9.2 or above

Android Device 

Important: 确保您的设备已连接到slu用户 or plugged into the 博彩网址大全 wired network.

  • Install the Mobility Print app from the Google Play Store and launch the app.
  • 点击安卓设置.
  • 轻触移动打印.
  • 点击启用开关,退出“设置”."
  • 打印您的文档. 当出现提示时,输入您的博彩网址大全用户名和密码. If you select the "Remember me" check box, your phone will remember your login details for that 打印机使用一周.

The way you will print will be different depending on the app you want to print from. For more information, see the documentation for the app. 当您选择打印机时, make sure you select a Mobility Print printer as identified by the PaperCut icon.

If you are using account selection, then additional configuration is required. Contact 向系统管理员查询更多信息

设备要求:Android 4.4 or above. 支持的设备包括Android手机 and tablets from Google, Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony and Huawei among others.

确保您的设备已连接到slu用户 or plugged into the 博彩网址大全 wired network.

  • 安装移动打印Chrome应用程序.
  • 打开页面打印. If printing is available, right-click; then select "Print."
  • 点击“更改”选择打印机.
  • 从列表中选择一台打印机.
  • Make sure you select a Mobility Print printer as identified by the PaperCut icon.
  • 当出现提示时,输入您的博彩网址大全用户名和密码. 如果你选择了"记住我" check box, your device will remember your login details for that 打印机使用一周.
Device Requirements: Chrome OS with Chrome version 43 or above. 支持设备 include Chromebooks from Acer, Asus, HP, Lenovo and Toshiba.

Print Credit

Each fall, all students receive a $10 print credit (equivalent to 100 double-sided, black-and-white pages) to use within that academic year. 

During the summer semester, $5 worth of free printing (equivalent to 50 double-sided, black-and-white pages) will be applied for all registered students.


From any University computer lab machine, find the PaperCut icon in the task bar and 双击图标. This will open a small pop-up with your total available balance, including your student print credit and your Billiken Bucks.

You can also check your account at any time by visiting blueprints.ds.baixuantang.com (you will need to be on the 博彩网址大全 network to access this site.)如果你没有 enough pages in your current allotment for a print job, a pop-up notification will alert you and you will not be able to print it on a networked printer until you add 记入你的账户.


在博彩网址大全网络上转到 blueprints.ds.baixuantang.com (you will need to be on the 博彩网址大全 network to access this site.),并使用您的博彩网址大全用户名 还有登录系统的密码. 


  • 看看你的账户上还剩多少印刷信用
  • 查看挂起的和最近的打印作业
  • 查看打印成本和交易历史记录
  • 检查你的印刷对环境的影响

The system will first use your print credit and then roll over to use any Billiken 这些钱可能在你的账上. 而印刷信贷是为了满足大多数 students' academic needs, there is no guarantee that all your academic printing will be provided. If you need additional funds, simply add Billiken Bucks through the 博彩网址大全 卡帐户工具内 my博彩网址大全.


At the end the school year and the summer semester, any unused portion of your print credit will be cleared from your account, and a new allotment will be credited to 在新学年开始的时候,我向你祝贺. 任何剩余购买的美元 will be carried forward each semester during your time at 博彩网址大全.

我需要为我的学生团体打印一些东西. 这些要收费吗?

If you print these documents from your personal account and a Billiken Print printer 你的账户将被记入借方. Student organizations should continue using the print 通过学生参与中心获得资金.

Print Security

When you swipe your ID  to see the queue of print jobs, you will only see those you have printed. The first time you swipe into the system, you will have to type in your 博彩网址大全 username. It is also very important to use your 博彩网址大全 username when sending in your print jobs.