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大约一半的博彩网址大全新生发现他们的社交和 academic support in one of our 10 on-campus learning communities.

学习社区的学生住在同一个宿舍,上课 都是围绕着一个特定的专业,社会身份和经验的一个方面, 或者学术兴趣. At Saint Louis University, learning communities help shape the 学生体验,让您在博彩网址大全大家庭中感受到家的感觉.

浏览我们的小册子 学习社区常见问题

Selecting a Learning Community

当你考虑博彩网址大全的学习社区时,有几个问题 这可以指导你选择一个最适合你的专业或长期的 职业目标:

  • Is there a topic that intrigues me (i.e. leadership, social justice, 社区 service)?
  • 有没有我想要的学术支持服务,比如辅导和学术建议 like to have access to in my residence hall?
  • 我想在第一次上课时与课堂外的教师联系吗 学期?
  • Is there a specific area of campus where I want to live?
  • What am I passionate about?
  • What part of my social identity would I like to explore more? 
  • 作为一名大一学生,我希望获得什么样的指导和人际网络?

应用 to a Learning Community

It’s easy to apply to take part in a learning 社区 at 博彩网址大全.

Step 1: Review the list of learning communities.

Identify the 社区 or communities for which you want to apply. 一定要复习 the academic requirements (i.e. major and college) for each learning 社区 as some are major- or college-specific.

Step 3: Confirm your Learning Community courses.

You will be registered for your Learning Community courses prior to 博彩网址大全 101 summer orientation 由LC学术协调员与您的学术顾问合作完成. 在 LC学术协调员和学术顾问博彩网址大全101将会回答您的问题 any questions that you may have regarding your academic schedule. 



如果你想知道博彩网址大全哪个学习社区适合你 你和申请过程中,看看这些常见问题.


提供的学习社区体验将不仅仅关注学术部分 的学习型社区,还将提供各种社交和教育 帮助学生第一年过渡到大学的项目. 使 the transition from high school to college can be difficult. 当你经历新的 自由,学习新的套路,面对新的学术和个人挑战,一种学习 社区 can help you begin your college career successfully. 我们鼓励每一个学生 在他们的教育中成为合作伙伴,成为积极的领导者和学习者 他们的学习社区.

如果我没有选择专业,我还应该考虑参加学习吗 社区?

There are several learning communities that are open to everyone:

Diversity and Global Citizenship

Leadership for Social Change



Thrive: Black and Talented

如果你知道你想主修什么,你可以选择一门学习 关注该领域的社区,你将有机会了解这是否 is a career you’re interested in pursuing.


是的. Courses must be taken together as a full set of associated courses.  然而, learning communities leave room for you to take additional classes. 你会选择 these classes when you meet with your academic advisor during your 博彩网址大全 101 访问. 如果你已经获得某门课程的学分,或者这门课程与你的专业不相符 学术课程计划,你可以申请豁免学习社区课程. 学习社区的学生可以被原谅的原因一般有四个 one or more of 他们的学习社区 courses. 

1) The student has prior credit; advanced placement/dual enrollment/transfer credit.
3) The learning 社区 course conflicts with a requirement for their major; including 课程顺序问题(请注意:所有其他学习社区课程选择 在给予学生豁免之前,必须用尽所有的时间安排选项。).
4) The student is a student-athlete; in the Billiken Success Program; or in the INTO program and has a programming conflict.

Do I need to fill out an application to be part of a learning 社区?

For most of our learning communities, you must complete both a learning 社区 contract and a  住房合同. Some learning communities require supplemental applications.

要成为弥迦计划的一部分,你需要完成一份补充申请 被接受.

If you’d like to be in the 荣誉 Learning Community, you’ll need to apply and 被接受 to the University 荣誉 program.

What if I want to change my learning 社区 preferences?

要在5月1日之前更改您对学习社区的偏好,您只需编辑即可 your learning 社区 contract. Editing your contract does not affect your priority 日期. After May 1, you can contact us directly at lc@baixuantang.com or speak to 住房 and Residence Life during 博彩网址大全 101.


是的. 生活在一个学习型社区需要你和他们住在一起 社区. If you have an extenuating circumstance that requires you to live in a 某些安排,由于批准的住宿,请让住房和居住 Life know as soon as possible. If you have a disability or need additional 住宿,请联络 Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources.

If I already have a roommate, how do we both join a learning 社区?

Both you and your roommate should sign up for the same learning 社区. 你可以 indicate your roommate request on your 住房合同. 重要的是,你和你的室友都要在合同上注明对方 using your nine-digit 博彩网址大全 IDs (starts with 00). The learning 社区 preference 你在你的学习社区合同中指出的是优先于其他一切的 preferences on the 住房合同.

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