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Service learning at Saint Louis University furthers course learning objectives across the curriculum while also fostering a consciousness of social justice that promotes the common good. 服务学习体验允许相互学习 which 博彩网址大全 students and faculty gain wisdom and insight from the community, and the community benefits from the service that the students and faculty provide. Guided reflection allows faculty and students to integrate the service experience with the academic content of the course and the Ignatian mission of the University.


As a Jesuit institution, Saint Louis University puts a great deal of emphasis on service to the community. 去年,学生、教职员工表演了100多万场 为大圣公会服务的小时数. Louis community. 服务学习本身 在很多方面成为别人的男人和女人的目标:

  • Enhancing your learning by empowering you to use the skills and knowledge learned 在课堂上为他人服务.
  • Assisting community organizations in meeting their needs, while at the same time allowing 他们扮演“共同老师”的角色.“他们成为社区伙伴,是至关重要的合作者 在学习过程中.
  • Enabling faculty to provide meaningful learning experiences inside and outside the classroom.

如果您不确定从哪里开始,我们的工作人员随时为您提供帮助. 博彩网址大全 the details of what you are looking for and a member of our staff will guide you through 与我们的社区合作伙伴提供的各种机会.


Your professor may require that you keep track of your service hours for your course. This form contains your course and community partner information, as well as the number 你完成的小时数,日期和时间. 表格须由市民签署 partner.




In addition to lectures and the normal texts for the class, your service experience 也是学习经历的一部分吗. 你的服务学习经历的细节 会在你的课程大纲中提到吗.

 There are various ways that your professor can make the service experience a part of your grade. In addition to the service you perform and the reflection that follows, you may be expected to write a paper relating your experience to the course theories or objectives. 或者,如果你正在为社区合作伙伴做一个特定的项目, 你可能会根据项目本身的质量来评分. 评分资料应 列入你的课程大纲.

博彩网址大全的社会行动中心有一个 社区合作伙伴数据库 that includes hundreds of agencies willing to work with students in service learning courses. Your professor may also already have sites that will correlate with your course. Your service experience could be anything from working with children to helping an organization with a marketing or public relations strategy to researching and writing 为某机构进一步完成其任务而作的报告.

这取决于你的教授. 但是,您的服务体验通常需要 每学期15-30小时.
Many service sites are within walking distance of campus, although some are farther away. 其中绝大多数是沿着地铁巴士或地铁线路. For ones that are not, you will need access to a car or carpool with another student. Some sites may not require you to be there regularly but will allow you to work from campus. 
If you will be absent from a day of service, you must contact your site and inform 他们知道你的处境. 你也可以联系你的教授. 

For Faculty

If you are a faculty member who would like to integrate community service into your existing curriculum or are developing the framework for a new service-learning course, the 社会行动中心 is available to consult with you on syllabi development, 并且可以将你与一系列学术资源联系起来.



Every semester, our faculty teach 80-100 different service-learning courses. By enrolling 在这些课程中,学生将为圣. Louis. 的伙伴关系 created through these efforts are helping to strengthen urban communities across the St. Louis region.

The 社会行动中心 administers a survey to local agencies in order to discover the level of interest in forming a partnership with Saint Louis University. It also provides valuable information about what areas the organizations would like assistance in. If you are a community organization interested in forming a service-learning partnership 与博彩网址大全的联系,请花点时间填写 社区组织调查.

Sometimes the differences between a service learner and a regular volunteer are unclear. The important thing to remember is that service learning, while providing an avenue to perform community service with your agency, also places an equal amount of emphasis 论学术目标. 学生们在贵组织的经历将会是 "course text," and they will relate their experiences to what they are studying in class.

When you become a community partner with Saint Louis University's Center for Social 行动起来,你是我们教育学生的伙伴. 它被设计成 a true collaboration, in that you are providing the student with a hands-on learning experience. 没有你作为我们的合作伙伴,这个项目就不会成功,所以谢谢你的加入 你的努力和辛勤工作取得了进步.


  • 从你的机构指定一个人作为学生的联络人.
  • Provide meaningful service experiences, either directly with the clients you serve, 或者间接地“在幕后”."
  • Give a basic orientation to all of the students who will be working for you.
  • 为学生提供基本的监督.
  • Be accessible to answer questions from students or faculty that pertain to the service-learning experience.
  • 保持强有力、开放的沟通方式.



The students' schedules vary greatly but are generally flexible and can often adapt to your needs. 在秋季学期,希望学生们开始自己动手 从九月中旬到十一月底. 在春季学期,学生将会 通常从1月底到4月底都可以买到.

This is up to the individual professor, however, the service experience typically 每学期需要15-30学时.

Your expectations will be explained to you before the service begins, either by the course professor or by one of the Center for Service and Community Engagement staff members.

If you work with a faculty member, he or /she will share the syllabus with you. Students can also provide you with a copy of the course syllabus and the service-learning requirements. Reviewing the syllabus is a great way to determine a position that will meet your 组织的需要和学生的利益.
If a student does not show up for a scheduled session or if you have other concerns, 请直接与教职员联系. 你也可以打电话给莉娅·斯威特曼314-977-4214 她会和教员讨论这件事.